Author - nsandrini

The Argentine Congress of Students of Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

On Friday 02/09 we were speaking at the Argentine Congress of Students of Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, held at the National University of Cordoba, commenting on The role of the chemist in a food laboratory. These exchanges with the academic sector allow us to connect with new generations of...


JLA contributed an MS/MS DETECTOR to the National University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina.

JLA contributed with a MICROMASS MS/MS DETECTOR, which was donated and accepted by the Honorable Consejo Superior of the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. The delivery took place at the facilities of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Exact, Physical-Chemical and Natural Sciences. We hope it will...


JLA works permanently in the continuous training of its collaborators. In the last few weeks, the inspection team received the Safe Food Handling card, after having completed an evaluation required for all people who perform activities in which they are or could be in contact with food or its...


We successfully received the audit of our GLP system! 

This audit for the first time covered our Tucumán Branch, and then continued at the headquarters in General Cabrera and the Experimental Field. The impressions of the auditing body exceeded expectations, and no major deviations were found. The modernity of the facilities and the level of predisposition of the team...


JLA CONO SUR received its first Good Agricultural Practices certificate!

JLA CONO SUR received its first Good Agricultural Practices certificate! GAPs are the set of principles, standards and technical recommendations aimed at reducing physical, chemical and biological risks in the production, processing, storage and transportation of agricultural products, to ensure the safety of the product, the protection of the environment...


Aflatoxin Service

With the beginning of the 2022 harvest, the trucks with boxed peanuts begin to arrive to the industries, and JLA starts the aflatoxin analysis service at the unloading / collection points. For this campaign, we will be working with a satellite laboratory in 4 of the main peanut industries. The...

JLA Brasil

JLA Brasil has been acquired by Intertek

After a long negotiation, JLA Brasil, represented by his senior partner and general manager Alvaro Bellini, has been acquired by Intertek. Despite not being part of JLA Global group, the company name, logo and visual identity will still be representing Intertek in Brasil for a while. From JLA Argentina, we are...

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