Inauguration of the JLA Experimental Farm: The experimental field is placed just 5 km outside General Cabrera. The demand of experimental plots in this area to carry out registration studies is what pushed this project forward. The facilities allowed JLA to offer a whole new services portfolio, like agrochemicals efficacy studies, comparative performance and hybrids characterization.

Inauguration of the Tucumán JLA Unit: The new Tucumán Operational Unit is inaugurated at the end of 2021 and in January 2022 the samples that come from the NOA (Argentine Northwest) began to be analyzed. This opening gives us the opportunity to be closer to the needs of our customers in the area. Our building located in Famaillá (province of Tucumán), opened its doors providing microbiological and pesticide residue analysis services in the different industries that operate in the area.

Join INAL Federal Food Laboratories Network: JLA is authorized by the LNR (National Reference Laboratory) to perform official analysis on food and packaging.

GMP+B11 Certification: JLA is one of the first labs in Latam to have this certification. It allows us to work with the certified animal feed industries, by performing analysis in two critical contaminants: Aflatoxin B1, and Heavy Metals.

New lab, new business. JLA Cono Sur: JLA establishes a new business unit for Pesticide registration studies. This approach comes with a new sustainable buidling, packed with an 18,3 kWp solar power plant, and a pesticide analysis lab of 2000 m2.

Field phase approved to conduct GLP Studies. With field phase in, JLA became the first company in Argentina capable of conducting both Field and Analytical Phase of a GLP residue study.

GLP Compliant Test Facility: JLA consolidates a new business unit, Pesticide Registration, and begin to perforrm GLP Compliant Registration Studies, as one of the firsts labs in Argentina to be able to do that.

New front for the head office: Another 500 m2 are added to the building, allowing us to enhance the support areas, and re organize the labs to liberate more equipment rooms.

JLA Brasil establishment: In order to consolidate recognition among peanut exporters countries, and extend our services to new clients, JLA lands in Brasil and open its doors in Tupa, an exporter city in Sao Paulo State, one of the biggest peanut areas of the country.
Nowadays, JLA Brasil has its head office in Mirassol, a branch lab in Mariliam and active presence in Tupa, Bauru, Campinas, Jaboticabal, and Santos.

Building expansion: Six years from the beginning, JLA doubles its laboratory area. The demand of analysis driven by peanut exporters, pushed JLA to expand its capability. The new lab enabled JLA to diversify its market and offer services to other food industries.

Acknowledgment by SENASA as a certifying company: JLA receives the authorization to perform quality control of grains for export. This open up a whole business unit, initially working with peanuts.

New branch lab opening: A new lab opens its doors in Alejandro Roca, aiming to improve the quality of our service and reduce response time for our clients there.

Establishment: A rising market opportunity sets the optimum conditions for the establishment of JLA Argentina. The Laboratorio Integral of Roberto Sandrini and Marisel Corelli, receives the investment of James Leek, founder and CEO of J. Leek Associated (J.L.A.) and build a new company, JLA Argentina, which begin its operations performing quality control of peanuts for export.