
Authorization for fertilizer registration

In the last days of 2022 we received an audit from SENASA! We are happy to tell you that in JLA we are enabled for fertilizer registration! 🧪🥼🙌🏻 Below is the list of tests we provide: - pH by Electrochemical Method - Moisture or Total Water by AOAC 950.01 - Organic Matter, Ashes...

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Second visit of 6th year students of the Chemistry specialty of ITAPU!

We show you a little of the second visit of 6th year students of the Chemistry specialty of ITAPU, where former students of the school and collaborators of JLA made a presentation of each laboratory where they work. At the end of the tour we shared a breakfast together! We...

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OAA Audit

On Tuesday 29/11 we received at our headquarters the Argentine Accreditation Body (OAA) in order to carry out the third maintenance of accreditation of our laboratory under the international standard ISO 17025, which establishes the requirements to be met by testing and calibration laboratories. Congratulations to the entire JLA team,...

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Certification at origin for Alfalfa exports

Same service, different product! Since November we perform certification at origin for Alfalfa exports! JLA Argentina, 25 years at the forefront of food safety.

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Last Thursday, Julieta Pramparo, Lic. in Chemistry and Director of Studies, gave a lecture at the III EXACTAS RESEARCH AND EXTENSION DISSEMINATION DAY and at the II EXACTAS ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES DAY at the National University of Río Cuarto. The purpose of these conferences is to generate an environment to...

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8th International Congress on Food Science and Technologies

On October 4, 5 and 6 we were present with our stand at the 8th International Congress of Food Science and Technology at the Convention Center in the city of Córdoba. In addition, Roberto Sandrini, general manager, attended a round table discussion together with Sergio Busso Minister of Agriculture and...

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Today we received the visit of sixth grade students of the Chemistry specialty of the Adrian Pascual Urquia Technical Institute School where we toured the company's laboratories, the presentation of each of them was developed by JLA staff, former ITAPU graduates. At the end of the day we shared a...

Posted By Category: UncategorizedComments: Comments OffPost Date: October 6, 2022

We continue incorporating technology!

In September, a German Sigma Model 2-16 KL refrigerated centrifuge was added to the Microbiology laboratory. This equipment will be used in one of the stages of the Norovirus and Hepatitis A RT-PCR techniques. Given the characteristics of this type of assays, in order to perform a correct detection...

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The Agroindustrial Production Conference

We were present at the Agroindustrial Production Conference at the municipal amphitheater of Carnerillo, giving a lecture on Science and Technology at the service of the production chain. We thank the Municipality of Carnerillo for the invitation and Bioq. Florencia Fiorito for representing us at the conference.

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The Argentine Congress of Students of Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

On Friday 02/09 we were speaking at the Argentine Congress of Students of Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, held at the National University of Cordoba, commenting on The role of the chemist in a food laboratory. These exchanges with the academic sector allow us to connect with new generations of...

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