Human Resourses Department

We are allways hiring. Please fill out form and submit the online application.

If you do not have Curriculum Vitae, download the model template Download CV Template

    Link LinkedIn (or place NOT AVAILABLE)

    Do you know someone who is currently working at the company? To who?

    Date (you finished your last studies):

    Did you have any work experience? What was the last?

    What year did you start working there?

    What year did your contract end? (if you are still working, leave this field empty)

    *Files accepted: pdf|doc|docx|rft. Max size 2.5 mb.

    Our Branches

    Headquarters: Bv. Italia 1150 – 5809 Gral. Cabrera - Córdoba – Argentina.

    Phone: +54-358 4931340 | 4931614 | 4931983 | 4931271


    Operative Unit Alejandro Roca: Alberdi 3 – 2686 Alejandro Roca - Córdoba – Argentina.

    Phone: +54-358 4981155 | 4980900

    Operative Unit Tucumán: RN 38, Km 767 – 4132 Famaillá City - Tucumán – Argentina.

    Phone: +549-358 4394270

    Experimental Farm: RP E90, Km 42 – 5809 Gral. Cabrera - Córdoba – Argentina.

    Phone: +54-358 4931340

    ¡Comunicate con nosotros!