Certification Services

The certification of food is a tool to access selective or demanding markets.

Certification is a process by which JLA gives a written guarantee that the product, service or process is in full compliance with the agreed rules, regulations or requirements.

Depending on the origin and destination of the food, the real and potential risks, the concerns of the suppliers and the consumers, JLA will propose a scheme that facilitates communication and makes possible the certification in origin of the food. GIRBIS ® which is our registered slogan, Getting It Right Before it Ships, intends to summarize this process.

Certification Steps

certificación de los alimentos

1. Contract, Definition of Specificationss

After discussing the responsibilities of each parties, the scope of the certification, the work methodology, the deadlines and costs, among other considerations, the contract is signed.

2. Sample Taking

According to the requirements of the contract, the SENASA regulations and the country of destination, the sampling method is established. The Coordination and Logistics area is responsible for organizing the activities of the inspectors. To safeguard confidentiality and impartiality, the designated inspector identifies the samples with a code that does not allow the laboratory to know the origin of it. The transportation of the samples is the responsibility of the JLA staff. The inspectors enter the information related to the sampling to the software of the company. The sampling methodology applied will depend on the product, the packaging, among other factors.

certificación de los alimentos

Servicios de Certificación

3. Results Report

The Coordination and Logistics area manages the necessary information so that the laboratories carry out the corresponding tests according to the specifications applied. This management is done in a software and it is through the same that the results are reported, following a series of controls that allow to ensure the validity of them. The results can be consulted via web or an electronic copy can be sent by Coordination and Logistics.

4. Loading Control

When the exporter decides to deliver the merchandise, the Coordination and Logistics area assigns inspectors to verify the conditions of the product, previously sampled and analyzed by JLA. In addition, the condition, lining and fumigation of the container to be consolidated is controlled. Once the loading is finished, the weight is verified and the container is sealed. All this control process is evidenced through images.

Paso 4-Control de Carga

Paso5-Confeccion de certificado

5. Issuance of Certificates

The certificates are issued from the JLA certification administrative area. It operates independently from the laboratory that performed the tests. Through the use of a software, this area creates a draft of the certificate, which contains the previously reported results. This draft is sent digitally to the client, and once the data is verified and expresses the agreement with the document, the final certificate is issued. This includes the signatures and stamps of the personnel that endorses the information. It can be sent digitally and / or printed as the client requires.

6. Web Consultation

JLA provides the client with a username and password so that the user can follow the status of the certification via web.

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