Field Phase

Residue studies of plant protection products for the purpose of registration

  • Development, execution and direction of the study.
  • Selection of sites in representative agro-ecological zones according to the crop, selection of the lots to be implanted / sown (if necessary). Demarcation of the site to restrict its access. Agronomic maintenance of the site taking into account its restrictions.
  • JLA has stable staff at Argentine Northwest, Center and “Cuyo” region.
  • Wide range of equipment for multiple application methods, agreed with the Sponsor.
  • Sampling of plots and final disposal thereof.
  • Conditioning and transportation of samples by company vehicles, adapted for the assurance of the cold chain at less than -20º C.
  • Conservation of samples in cold chambers, with continuous temperature control through verified sensors and alarm systems that report, by e-mail, temperature fluctuations.
  • Processing of samples in dry ice, with adequate equipment and intended for that purpose.
  • Audit of the critical phases of the study, in charge of a highly qualified multidisciplinary team. The Quality Assurance Unit operates from our central house, strategically located in the center of the country
  • Preparation of partial reports of phase and final of study.
  • File of the study and raw data for a period of 10 years, in a room specially designed and equipped to ensure its integrity.

View map with crop studies by agro-ecological zones: View Map

cultivos por zonas agroecológicas
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